C64: down the rabbit hole…

I am still working out the details regarding my coffee experiment. It’s actually more complicated than I thought and I will probably need to recruit some subjects to conduct it.

Why is this being delayed? Well, mainly because I just rediscovered my old Commodore 64 computer. This has led me down a rather long, but fun, rabbit hole.

At first, my goal was to get some of my aging software off of my floppies. I already lost some old games and files over the years and wanted to preserve what I had left. To do this I purchased the SD2IEC from The Future Was 8 Bit (along with a fast loader cartridge to speed up load times!)

So needless to say, after many cups of coffee, I now find myself immersed in the wonderful world of Commodore and programming. Here are some useful (or maybe not so useful links) to getting started with programming on the C64:

And in case anyone wants to look at some cool videos regarding Commodore history and the early days of computing, I highly recommend the YouTube channel 8 Bit Guy, especially his videos on the history of Commodore: Part I, Part II, and Part III.